Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Better than the next person

I just realised something recently.
This was while doing a survey, rating a close friend of mine on his/her personality.

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As I was sifting through the ratings other people have done I noticed that it differed quite considerably from the one I had given.
I even strongly disagreed with some of the traits that were bestowed on him/her.

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Then it hit me.
My rating of him/her is based on my personal experience.
I used what I percieved as normal to compare and contrast.
Though he/she might seem like the devil to one person, he/she might very well be a saint to another.

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For example, a person who you'd call a pervert would only mean that he/she is more of a pervert than you are, in your own perspective.
The next guy/gal who comes along might view the aforementioned pervert as a totally normal person.

note : The following, in italic, are rantings of a pissed of gamer.

Now that I think about it, this is probably why I get easily irritated by people who brag about having 1337 skillz and end up DYING like a gazillion times doing DUMB things that aren't necessary in the first place.
(solo-ing abnormally humongous monstrosities in a team game and failing, isn't cool nor is it "1337", its just damn dumb)

Cause if you say you're good/pro/gosu/1337 and I happen to be in the same chat room/channel/board, it means that you're saying you're better than I am.
I dont mind if you turn out to be a pro, but if it doesnt turn out that way, then it's just insulting.

With that being said, i'm not one to go bonkers everytime someone says he/she is good, I for one, can tell when a friend is merely joking. In fact I welcome the friendly banter between players, just to spice things up abit. All in the name of good fun of course.

~ vdp2uq-rmrp9l ~

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