Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy 3rd Anniversary !

Happy Birthday Lazy Guy!

Today marks the 1st 2nd 3rd year anniversary of this quite and inconsistently updated blog.
Coincidently it does not fallson the same day as Chinese New Years this year.

So thats not a double celebration!

As usual, I
Was thinking of revamping the site in light of the blog being 1 2 3 years old,
but decided that I should instead do something more productive.

Since there were no new years resolution back in January,
I thought it would be great if I had one since its BOTH
The blogs One Year Anniversary AND
Chinese New Year.
to just screw it all together,
since I barely kept last years resolution.

blah blah blah ....

Unlike last year,
where I a little more forgiving,
this year i'm putting up a fine,
so its a 20sen saman for those who forgot this year.

And don't think you can get away,
cause i'm keeping a list.

more blah blah ..

p.s. no, i'm not keeping a list, to lazy keep track.
I might actually come up with a proper update later if I feel like it.
